Babyproofing Your Sitting Room

Having a baby is great. Going home with your newborn is exciting. But living with the baby is a lot of work. You have to make new changes and adjustments to make your home safe for your baby. You know how kids can get all playful and adventurous. This puts them at risk of falls, injury, suffocation, strangulation, and choking hazards. That’s why babyproofing your sitting room and by extension, your home is important.

According to Stanford children’s accident statistics, kids under-5 are at risk of being injured at home. About 2,000 kids ages 14 and below die every year due to domestic accidents. That is why you need to babyproof your home, especially your sitting room. 

The sitting room is one of the most frequently used and most accessible parts of the house. It is where everyone chills and relaxes for family time. However, some fixtures and fittings in the sitting room can pose a danger for your little one. While you can’t control everything your kids do, you can put a few safeguards in place for when they get dangerously adventurous. You can take the first step by babyproofing your sitting room. 

READ: When Should I Childproof My Home?

Guidelines for Baby Proofing Your Sitting Room

When babyproofing your sitting room, you must pay attention to these areas. 


One thing you must never forget is that Babies and toddlers are climbers. Give them a chance, and they’ll be climbing their way to the rooftop. So, make sure you arrange your furniture in a way that your kids can’t use them as a ladder to climb onto higher surfaces. 

Kids are great at pulling down stuff just as they are at climbing. So, you must strap all tall furniture like shelves, long chairs, tables, cabinets, and even your television to the wall. While you’re at that, place corner covers and bumpers on the sharp edges of all your furniture. Any furniture in the living room that has drawers should be securely locked. Remove unstable or broken furniture.

Small, Sharp, and Breakable Objects

Don’t leave small objects like buttons, beads, coins, balls, screws, paperclips, broken toy parts, bottle caps, batteries, marbles, and fancy decor items within easy reach of your baby. You know what could happen if your baby snacks on them.

The same goes for breakable items and sharp objects. Keep them on high shelves, out of your baby’s reach. Check the floor, on and under the furniture and cushions for any harmful objects that may lie around. 

Electrical Sockets and Cords

There are lots of electrical appliances in the sitting room like your television, fan, cable, home theatre, video player, extensions, phone chargers, computer, etc. These gadgets come with cords and wires that your baby may want to pull, fondle or chew. Keep cords and wires away from your baby’s reach. Wrap up excess cords and wires with a zip tie. 

Electrical outlets are equally dangerous. Use furniture to block electrical sockets and openings. If you can’t rearrange your furniture, then seal the sockets with plastic outlet covers. 

Doors and Windows

Make sure your doors and windows are secured, especially if you live in high-rise buildings. Replace the glass in your window with shatterproof glasses or linings. This way, the glasses won’t shatter into tiny pieces on the floor if it breaks. Install window guards and grilles, so your baby doesn’t fall out of the window. 

Always shut and lock your window to prevent kids from opening them on their own. Wrap up all cords hanging from blinds and draperies. Preferably, use cordless window coverings and shatterproof glasses.

Always lock your front door, so your baby doesn’t get out of the house. Secure your door handles, knobs, locks, and bolts with doorknob covers. With a baby in the house, always double-check before shutting doors. You never know. Your little guy could be behind the door or have his fingers caught in the door.


Babies can slip and fall on highly polished or slippery floors and tiles. You can prevent such accidents by installing non-slip rugs, a rug pad, or a play mat. They have softer surfaces for your baby to sit on or play with their toys. It’s best to go for darker colors that can mask stubborn stains that could result from your kids spilling and messing up the floor. Ensure that the floors are clean and dry at all times. Don’t let your kids walk or run around the house in their socks, so they don’t slip and fall.

Essential Items for Baby Proofing Your Sitting Room

Here’s a list of items you need to baby-proofing your sitting room.

1. Outlet Covers

Babies love to stick their little fingers into any and every opening. It’s only a matter of time before they get stuck. You can prevent this by using outlet covers to seal up all electrical sockets and openings. 

2. Baby Gates

Baby-proofing your sitting room isn’t complete without baby gates. You need baby gates for every doorway and stair, so your baby doesn’t stray or climb.

READ: Do I Really Need Baby Gates?

3. Door Knob Covers

While getting baby gates, also add doorknob covers to your shopping list. You need them for your closets, cabinets, and doors, especially the doors leading outside. You don’t want your baby opening the door and straying outside. 

4. Cabinet Locks

Remember, kids are very inquisitive. They will get their hands into anything they can, and that includes your cabinets and drawers. The earlier you get safety locks and latches, the better for you. Think of all the stuff you keep in your drawers and cabinets; small/breakable items, remotes, candles, lighters and sharp objects. You don’t want your baby to have access to these items. 

5. Children’s Sofa

You can keep your baby off the grown-up furniture by getting their own seats. You can even create a little corner for them in the sitting room. 


It may seem like you’ve got a big task ahead of you, but remember it’s all for the safety of your baby. Baby proofing may seem like a lot of work, but it’s the sacrifice you have to make to keep your baby safe. 

Moreover, not all safety issues in the home can be fixed by babyproofing. The number one rule to keeping your baby safe is to watch them at all times. Never leave your baby unsupervised in a room. Make sure your nanny, babysitter, grandparents, and older siblings are safety conscious when taking care of your baby.

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